you will receive power
Acts 1:8
Have you ever wondered why Christians believe in some "sky daddy" they can't see?
Well, put simply, we believe in this "sky daddy" because we have seen this "sky daddy" do impossible things. The first Christians got to see the second member of the family of God (Godhead), Jesus Christ, live life with them as a human but also do impossible things like walking on water, multiplying five loaves and two fish to feed at least 5,000 people, healing paralysed people etc. If that wasn't enough, Jesus was murdered, buried in a tomb guarded by the military, and he came back to life three days later. Then, after showing off the nail holes in His hands and feet to thousands of people for the next 40 days, at least 500 people watch him ascend into heaven. No wonder all of Jesus' closet disciples were willing to die brutal deaths just to tell people about what they had seen.
(Would you and all of your mates be willing to be tortured and killed for a lie?)
Sure, these events took place nearly 2000 years ago, but the cool thing about Jesus is that he gave His followers the ability to do the impossible too! Of course, many of us chicken out and don't have the same level of boldness that Jesus did, but that doesn't discount the fact that Christians still do things that simply defy science!
We have the ability to defy science because Jesus sent us the third member of the family of God, the Holy Spirit, to be within us so that we can be a part of God's salvation plan for the whole world.
Here, at King of Kings Church, we have seen God use ordinary people to pray and see people come back to life (after being clinically dead), legs grow back before our eyes, bones grow back instantly, etc. If you found that last sentence hard to believe, imagine how hard it was for us to believe those miracles every time we saw them take place!
That is why we, despite how crazy it sounds, believe in God and are willing to be tortured and killed just to tell you about the amazing things we have seen God do.
If you are still a sceptic, don't worry, most of us at King of Kings Church were just as sceptical or more sceptical than you are right now once upon a time. The only difference is that we decided to investigate things for ourselves, and well, now we are seeing God use us to defy science too!
We challenge all of you sceptics to come along to church this Sunday to meet former sceptics and see how God decides to defy the science that He made in the first place. You've got nothing to lose. So, be a serious sceptic and come and see us at 10 am or 6 pm this Sunday.
P.S. We are not sponsored by some fancy organisation for every person who walks through the door, so you can rest assured that we are not after your wallet - unlike some organisations that love showing off their material wealth by building multi-million dollar temples.