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Business Breakfast

Are you feeling anxious about the future?


Are you troubled by spiritual forces that have stolen your peace and you're not sure what to do?


Perhaps you were once close to God, but people you loved and trusted, let you down and you blamed God, and walked away from Him?


Or perhaps you just got too busy and the cares of this world squashed the life out of you, and now you are feeling empty, abandoned, and alone? 


Did you know there is hope today!


Things don't need to stay the way they are!


You can take action, and do something about this, today!


If you are sincerely sick of the way things have turned out, look up! Turn your heart towards God and cry out to Him. God hears our cries and He cares about our hurts. In our distress, He draws near to the broken-hearted and He understands our disappointments, sorrow and grief.


Jesus came to carry our burdens and to lift off the yoke of oppression that weighs heavily upon us, and makes our journey in life difficult - like going uphill with the brakes on.


In John 10:10, we read that Jesus spoke to a crowd of people, saying that the  enemy of our souls comes to steal and kill and destroy us. This enemy is like a thief who robs you of everything, and then when you are completely vulnerable - He will sneak up and take your life! Knowing this is a spiritual reality that we could never overcome, Jesus came to give us a way of escape! He knew it was impossible for us to do, being able to save ourselves from the thief - so He willingly gave His life, in exchange for ours. What an incredible exchange - we were sentenced to a life of destruction and death, and now we can have for life on earth and the promise of a place in heaven!  To experience and enjoy this opportunity, all we simply have to do is acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, and stop living a defeated purposeless life, and turn to Him and ask for His help to our life, the way He planned from the beginning. Jesus promises to give His followers a full life - the abundant life that we have been desperately seeking! 



In 1 John 1:9 it is written that "If we confess our sins to God, He will keep His promise and forgive us our sins, and purify us from all our wrongdoing." We no longer need to feel ashamed about our past, as we have been given a fresh new start!


There is nothing to lose, and everything to gain!


Tell God that you are sorry and that you need His help to rescue you from the mess you have got yourself into. Genuinely and sincerely invite Him to take the wheel of your heart and life, so you can start again, and go in the right direction where there is hope, healing and happiness! 


Here is a simple, yet life-changing prayer that you can pray:


Dear Heavenly Father,
I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don't please you. I have been selfish and lived only for myself. I am truly sorry, and I ask you to forgive me for my pride. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to rescue me from my sins. You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and I ask that you take control of my life, and lead me in the way you planned for me. From this day forward, help me to live every day and in a way that pleases you. I ask that your Holy Spirit will teach me and reveal the truth of your Kingdom to me. Give me a desire for your Words, and help me to share this "Good News" with others as well.
I love you, God, and I thank you for making a place for me in heaven, where I will spend all eternity with you when I depart this earth. I pray this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.



If you have prayed this prayer, please let us know so we can pray for you. We will ask God to lead you to a good Spirit-filled church where you can grow in your Christian faith, and become a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ.

May God bless you and may your enjoy the abundant life He promises all those who put their faith in Him.

Contact Us

57M2 Cavendish Drive,

Manukau, Auckland 2104

New Zealand

Ph: 09 558 1630

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Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9:30am-3pm 
Wednesday: 9:30am-3pm
Thursday: 9:30AM-3pm 
Friday: 9:30am-3pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 10am & 6pm Services

Registered Charity Number : CC25230

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